Wednesday 2 November 2016

Graduation day – beginning or end?

I am about to receive my first interior design certificate, next Saturday, in London. It was a long way: I was always attracted by art and design, but was not in a position to change my environment. Then the actual necessity came, and there I was with my rough ideas and very little practical knowledge. My collection of interior books and magazines could have been an inspiration, but somehow I wouldn’t know how much I can transfer to my own living space.

So, step one was realising just how much I needed to learn more about interior design.

Then I did my very clumsy research, which basically showed that it wasn’t possible to have a course so customised in Brussels.

Then, I dipped into the Anglophone sphere (London is 2 hours away from Brussels after all), but there were just too many courses!

One year after the research I made it to a few places and met the people. Cautious, as always, I opted for a home-study certificate class, which was meant to be done in 3 months. It took me a year, but I am so happy that I invested more time, and tried to do things, shall we say properly?

And graduation day is looming.

What it means to me is that it will not affirm me necessarily as an interior designer, but give me a base to build upon. So, I am thinking, it is only now that I am starting to learn about the interior design. In the previous post I merely described how my blog will be a part of my studying equipment.

From this point onwards, I am going to put to practice what this course (and others) taught me, experiment with my own apartment, and share. Is it too ambitious to build a real-time case study?  I will, most of all, be looking for opinions from like-minded individuals.

Here comes a very specific aspect, a first example, of what I intend to do. In my first post, I shared how I scratched the surface of my flat’s decoration. There was a door-frame, ugly colour, no door, and I knew it was not quite right. Picture hereunder shows the same place in present day.

It has in the meantime become part of a project for a bedroom, and I am gradually implementing it. The project was in fact, a part of two different assignments from my home-study certificate course. It is in my plans to present those pieces, in relevant posts:

-  -       A colour scheme
-      Space planning
-      Sourcing
-      My way with project managing the above.

I appreciate it so much that the certificate course provided me with feed-back from real life designers. And now, as some say, the proverbial proof of the pudding is on its way.

And back to the topic, and possibly a teaser for the next post: I have an un-decorated apartment. I always wanted to learn and practice interior design, I find it hard to go through just one book, or study programme, so I am producing my own school here. I will make the results known through the blog, I invite people in similar situation to follow and share!

My graduation is probably a first corner-stone in the process. When the blog gets momentum, it will be a next. I end this post with my gratitude to the British Academy ofInterior Design. Looking forward to being there on Saturday!

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