Tuesday 25 October 2016

Why this humble blog?

The list is very brief at this point in time, but my head is full of ideas; my little flat, the barely scratched surface of which was recently presented, is also overflowing to the brim with jobs half started.

I walk from room to room and future visions compete with each other. I have something very tangible to focus on, but I want to do it really right, and if I can avoid the trial and error method (I cannot, at this point in time), wouldn't that be great?

One of my favorite thoughts is that there is no good wind for a ship without destination. Some attribute it to Seneca; I heard it from a beloved French professor who taught me book-keeping. So, as a tribute to him, a very trim list of reasons, my personal whys, my multiple destinations:

- Log my progress on my apartment's works and design evolution
- Have a soundboard for ideas – because I am not yet there where I know how good in reality will be something which is good on paper?
- Learn, learn, learn – interior design, DIY and blogging rolled into one
- Discuss ideas which I may not necessarily believe in yet – concepts and methods I find in books, on TV shows and elsewhere. This is important, because sometimes it is necessary to play with some method, or process, before it is put in practice. Important thing is to reveal the benefits/downsides and if this will make me a guinea pig, why not?
- Hoping to connect to people facing that precise challenge exactly now, or planning to do so later
- Share experience good and bad, for future reference. Even if success is certain, why not describe the path, and let people decide for themselves if it is worth the efforts?
- Be creative – work my right brain, meditate my free hours, explore the visual beyond immediate application.

And of course, a list of destinations is not a route. There most certainly is a rational way to go about it, but for the time being I am enjoying the journey.

Next post therefore will be about studying, and eventually learning. Something.

I sincerely hope that this is going to be first and last post with no illustrations.

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