Wednesday 30 November 2016

Creativity? How creativity?

It appears that creativity can be fostered – I got a lot of inspiration from the following video.

The video is from the KLC school of design – my go-to for short courses and task-based knowledge. If you don’t have the 20 plus minutes to watch it, here it is in a nut-shell: we can condition ourselves to be creative through exercise, reflection, and good habits through our routine.

For my purposes therefore I picked my creative project, and that is the facades of Brussels – the one part of Brussels’ architecture I love so much, and have the chance to be submerged in. Or to be specific – I got hold of a fantastic map with five art-nouveau itineraries, and so many of those gorgeous houses are not far from where I live. Check ARAU for yourselves.

So here is the project: I would love to sketch all those houses – not necessarily in the order of the suggested routes, in fact better not, but in the order which speaks to me.

So it must be work of beauty, inspiration, proportion and ornament study, and brief history of art-(nouveau).

Unfortunately, my first attempt was not as good – again check for yourselves. I started with Arthur Nielsen’s house – which I have admired in life so many times. I did the study, and the sketch and the mark making – and I don’t really like the result. It is very hard when the first attempt is not satisfactory.

Arthur Nelissen's house
Sketching exercise

On the other hand, I only recently worked on my Spicemy space logo, and am more than happy with what I got!

I just let my mind wonder as to what is in each letter – so in the S I got some funky shaped furniture, then in the P – the room plans, A got dedicated to measurement, scale, proportion, C – to the fact that we use 2D medium to expose 3D ideas, and finally E to the fact that each aspect of interior design is compartmentalised, but we must make it work together.

Let me know if this is the impression you get?

Now, here is for the difference between those two experiences: I am a sort of a CAD/software addict. Yes, it is what I have done for living for quite a while and I feel a hundred percent comfortable in front of a screen. Cannot help it.

Free-hand drawing on the other hand is very arbitrary with respect to the result, and because I do not do it as often – well, I don’t like the outcome as much.

Unfortunately my personal private project just got stopped at that one first attempt. But knowing that things mostly take time, or money or both, I booked a freehand drawing course. See if some steady advice will put me on my way to (more) creativity – I think I already consider myself creative.

And, on to you: have you discovered a creative project? Please do share! Do you have a creativity hack, different from the ones in the video?

Stay tuned for the report of how far I got with creativity!

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