Sunday 18 June 2017

One two three … testing

Much as I enjoy having found inspiration, time for work, and obviously benefitting from the abundant summer light, I must try to stay cool and not rush – many of my recent ideas must be tested in smaller, palatable steps. That is because I better do the mistakes before they are magnified.

So, follow me with the presentation of those tests, of variable success, but undisputable value to the project!

You remember my tiling quarries and worries, and how I nearly settled for a combination of a plane tile and mosaic-like tile? So, on a beautiful Brussels morning I headed for the shop, hoping to find that perfect combination. For a start, few of tiles exposed were really in stock, and then once you choose and pay and make it to the backroom, they give you a different product.

I knew it when I saw it (the vendor acted surprised), asked the right questions and ended up with a take it or leave it situation. So, I took it and you can see it hereunder… it is good because it is fairly neutral. It is bad because anyone can produce this combination, while the original choice had more of a challenge.

Next – my future master bedroom – code name project 2. At least two big questions right away:
-      The walls colour
-      The curtain rails colour

The walls must tie to the wall paper – Kelly Hoppen’sikat in bleu, which was at the heart of the design. However, it is not a simple bleu – there are at least three different streaks which come together. I’d go for the closest colour – the brand is Perfection, colour is Atlantik 3F.

Luckily, tests exist, and this is what they are for – I am not happy with the result – it is a kind of purple. Isn’t it nice to have this done, before paint for the entire room is purchased?

So, I will move on and do the next test with ShadyPurple A70 from Levis!

As to the curtain rail – after the very successful copper rail in the living room, I like the one in the master bedroom to be silver – so this is the paint chip you see next to the wall paper. Once again two choices: the actual silver is kind of muted, and there is a mirror-quality colour known as chrome – this is going to be another test.

Next – plan layout – the hundred times re-drawn project 1! Two things are to be tested:
-      The volumes – that is the table composition, but the choice of table and seating is naturally going to be very different

-      The elevations – old with the new – given that I already have the “old”, I shall place them where I’ll want to find them before buying the new.

So, for this one, no complaints, second thoughts or whatsoever – the decision is to go and buy those Billy bookcases.

Finally, if you remember from the post – the bookcases need to be tweaked a little – again this beautiful copper colour. Well, before spraying the whole thing, it makes sense to check how the paint meets the surface small scale – here is a single shelf from the bookcase sprayed in copper. I will only know how to proceed after it is dry.

And this is it – only two days in a weekend – so much done and nothing completed. Stay tuned, because most certainly the tests will mature into project results! And don’t forget to leave comments!

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