Monday 12 June 2017

Old with the new

Still on the energy of the last post, I am feeling a bit stressed because – let’s face it, I put way to much on my plate. The first one to go is the competition – I just cannot make it in time. However, if time and inspiration allow for it, my proposal may appear on the blog to be compared to the official entries.

Next – how useful was the last post’s exercise? Not much – in the end of the day the responsible fuse for my future hot plates was a different one – professionally tracked by the handymen. Hint: if you’re planning to install a massive consumer, and you have a really over-dimensioned fuse in the switchboard – chances are great that they are matched. Overall verdict for the switchboard exercise is not negative though, I insist you must know your home.

I used the word professionals in the above paragraph, and you probably thought like professional electricians? I would say – 50%. The other 50% is extortionists – because here in Brussels work costs a lot, people are made to wait, the results are seldom promising. And as long as we are not able to do the works ourselves- we’ll have to live with it. I say – drop some stuff from school programmes (philosophy, dead languages, sports?) – give us carpentry, electricity, plumbing. Also tiling and brick-laying for the advanced. At this point in time this is a joke, but if the situation won’t change, I say viable realistic future.

And now something new – again step back from the kitchen, or from speculations on project two! Back to project one, back to bookcases!

While I was very happy with what I got on my shelf-pimping stimulation, I was also sad for having to give up on the furniture I already have. And indeed, the colour, which visually scored best with my proposals, I already have in my furniture collection. So, logically the next exercise is – can I reasonably integrate those items in the future layout?

Sketchup is there to help me find out – because – those are two terribly popular ikea pieces: HEMNES chest of drawers and HEMNESTV furniture. They were really easy to locate on the 3D warehouse!

Given that I know where my TV should be (when I get one) – it is the chest of drawers that I have to fit! If you’d remember myelevations – I had already decided, sort of, that I would have a sofa in front of the book case – so this limits the area for chest of drawers or doors. That part of the book case must be open front!

Next limitations are determined by:

-      Light switch must be able to reach for it – therefore 18 cm away from doorframe I’d place the first unit (unless it is under 115 cm – I am writing those words to my own surprise, because this option has never been checked!)
-      My current choice of sofa – ikea’s convertible asarum. I like its compactness, structure and practicality. Moreover, for a small person, such as myself, the seating is unbelievable confortable. Downsides: upholstery has this terribly cheap feel. So, if I stay with asarum – new fabric is in order. But, back to the topic, and there you go – from the opposite wall the limit is 83 cm – that is the depth of the sofa before first opening door or drawer.

Obvious conclusion, if I work with modules of 40 is that 2 modules must go, in order to fit in my 57 cm wide Hemnes chest, and there is going to be some breathing space too!

All of this boils down to two solutions:
-      The symmetrical – chest in the middle and two identical towers on both sides or

-      The asymmetrical – keep the bookcases together – finish off with the chest!

I have my winner, but if you share with me yours, and especially why would it be like that, I will be really happy!

I seriously wish to be able to foretell the next post – but up to now I’m mostly wrong! It might be something about kitchen, about tiling. Or about light fixtures – you have not failed to notice that I have a lamp in my project one now?.. stay tuned, you’ll find out, never hesitate to comment!

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