Thursday 30 March 2017

The mobile sample board

Colour and texture are the backbone of a good design, and yet for those who follow, you can't but notice just how neglected they were, compared to space planning.

As I had declared, in my blogcommencement manifesto, one of my motifs to pursue with a blog is my wish to learn … but I had shamelessly stuck to what I know better than average – technical drawing, software, space planning solutions.

So, to me, the whole colour and texture conundrum is the actual challenge. Moreover, having almost decided on a floor plan, the time has come to start picking pieces of furniture, soft furnishings and accessories.

Therefore, and contrarily to what design theories advise, I put together a mobile sample board (or mood board) – something to bring along while choosing those pieces.

This is what you'll find on my mood board:

The most present colour is the one on my four walls – so you find the sample I got from the shop, but also the way it looks on painted over fiberglass paper – which covers all my walls.

Then, for the floor I have the beautiful tiling – same as in my hallway and kitchen – so my public areas have the same flooring. The piece here comes from the skirting.

Next important surface is the door – another shade of taupe. I have one more door, which I sadly cannot present – it’s lacquered fir tree, quite popular over here.

The window treatment – at least part of it is decided already – so you see the fabric in a special presentation window. It has several colours, different shades of brown/beige, which nicely correspond to the rest of my palette.

And finally something brave: I spray-painted the curtain rail in this gorgeous copper/bronze colour.

Now, it is up to you to judge how successfully my mobile mood board represents the room, but in case you wonder – here-under is a picture of the finished room.

And what to do with it?

Having decided in larger terms on floor planning, having measured and re-measured the space, having shortlisted the bookcases I need – well I head for IKEA, to finalize my choices.

And this is where the things do not go quite as planned – the perfect colour match won't fit in as dimension, and the one I meant as size does not blend in as nicely?

I would have given it less thought if I didn't have my mood board with me – but armed with it – it is pretty obvious, so am I back to square 1?

In more detail – the BILLY bookcase system has four types of finishes, and as said while it is the sleekest out there, I cannot definitively choose for any one of them:

- White – probably the best to keep the room looking big and spacious. On the other hand – so clinically boring, borderline scary due to medical associations.
- Oak – not real oak – sickly yellowish more like it
- Light brown with red under shades – spoiling the whole thing?
- Dark brown/blackish – perfect match for other pieces of furniture I already have and like – but since what I like most about my room is how light it is – a very serious designer risk!!!

On the other hand, with BESTA I found the following finish, which not only matches the colour board, but is also as noble, neutral, luxuriant kind of wood finish that I’d love to incorporate.

And here the problem can be defined – BESTA is always 40 cm deep – I have so little space and options, my bookcases have to be thinly spread. BILLY with their 28/30 cm is a better match….

Solutions, there are – I just have to find ways to test them and make sure I will live with substitutes just as nicely;)

-   Stick to the sleek BILLY pieces – dark colour, but spray paint some bronze to connect it to the room
-   Compromise with my ideas and pick BILLY white – boring but safe
-   Combine BILLY and BESTA – see drawing…tricky stuff is  - heights are not uniform either. Also – which colour of BILLY will do the job?

-   Reconfigure BESTA, in a way that allows for a sofa and only BESTA pieces?

And once again it’s up to you! What would you do? Don’t be shy – share!

In case you need more inspiration, here is the wall where it all has to happen:

For my part – some of the solutions are on my virtual draing board – meaning I am trying to build a Sketchup model. Or, I shall be spending more time in IKEA? Which method will deliver a solution? If you care to know, just stay tuned.

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